In “The Mainstay Way,” our second core value is Team Driven.
If you spend any time around the Mainstay office, or if you’re a Mainstay client, you’ll hear the word “team” – a lot!
This core value means a lot of different things to us.
It means that we always work as a team. No one at Mainstay is an island. We look out for each other, we are there for each other, we unhesitatingly help each other out, we mentor each other, and we encourage each other. We succeed and fail as a team, and in our company culture, it comes back to serving the team, what’s best for the team, and how the whole team can prosper. To be in the IT world, knowing there are dozens of other dedicated professionals ready to assist you, to teach you, to encourage you at a moment’s notice – it’s a great experience.
It means we deliver service as a team. Clients get a full team working for them. That lets us keep standards of quality high, even when someone is on vacation, when an engineer is stuck, when specialty services are needed. Clients’ needs go far beyond what one person can deliver, so each client gets to work with a team for availability, for breadth of services, for speed of resolution, for depth of engineering, and for greatest stability. We work with dedicated teams so no one person has to know it all, yet the client gets a consistent experience. Before we deploy a new technology solution or work with a new industry, we ensure we have multiple engineers trained and available and are able to deliver a true team experience. And when we work with IT managers, directors, and professionals at our clients, we want them to have a full team at their back, and to truly feel it.
It means we are on the same team as our clients. We work in a trusted relationship, not as a vendor “selling” something. Effective leveraging of technology requires that we and our clients work together, understanding the challenges and goals of the organization. It’s partly what has driven our practice of not making money on hardware and software – so we don’t lose the “same team” principle, but rather can work with our clients to develop the right solutions.
It means we value individuals and relationships. The only way to get an effective team is to value each individual person. Frankly, the only way to live life fully is to value each individual person! No matter what business anyone is in, ultimately, the end result is changing someone’s life. We love the fact that we so directly get to interact with great people every day – our staff team and our client team – and so directly help make their lives better by taking the stress away from technology, and helping them leverage it more effectively. Doing that in the context of a trusted, valued, personal relationship? That just makes it fun.