At Mainstay, our number one focus is on how we provide ever-increasing value to our clients. We are driven by our client’s challenges– how we anticipate them, how we respond to them, and how we bring them the most effective technology leadership, IT solutions, and support.
Then why do we care so much about the Core Values of our team, why do we talk about them with clients, and why do we think they are important for everyone to know, so important we’re writing a blog post about it? Because “what you do” is always a product of“who you are.”
As we continue to grow as a company and build a team, we know that we’ll only be able to provide value to our clients if we’re focused on our values. This focus impacts so much of what we do, we make all decisions in light of them, and measure our successes based on them.
So what are our values? Drumroll please…
The Mainstay Way
Integrity above all else
Team driven
World-Class Professionalism
Uncompromising commitment to Excellence
Forward-thinking, Holistic approach
Passion in all we do
Words are great, but the true value is in living this out. We’ve made steps to make sure we are reminded of them as much as possible: In our lobby, we have a stainless steel sign etched with these values (pictured at left), we talk about them at nearly every staff meeting, we encourage each other by highlighting ways an individual team member “lived the values” in an exemplary way, and we even have a special email address setup for“catching” someone living the values in an extraordinary fashion.
Technology is changing rapidly, and our business model is continually evolving to adapt with it, but what doesn’t change is the essence of who we are. If you spend much time with any of us from Mainstay, you’ll hear about these values, and – much, much more importantly – it is our deep commitment to them that you will see these values in action.
A number of our clients and partners have noticed this emphasis and asked how they can incorporate these or similar values into their organizations, as well. Therefore, six upcoming posts will highlight each one of these values, explain their importance, and show how they can be incorporated into an organization. We look forward to digging into this further, and we hope you’ll find as much excitement in living out your values as we do!