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Gabe Long

Gabe Long


North Andover, MA

What was your first memory of using computers?

While growing up my mom worked for IBM as an IT professional. I remember when I was about 8 years old, she would bring home various broken computers and other salvageable computer parts. I would swap parts in and out trying anything I could to get them working so I could play games with friends and family when they came over. Good times!

When you’re not found in front of a computer you are…

I am usually spending time with my kids and/or dogs, getting some work done around my house or trying to sneak in a few minutes of gaming.

What would you do if you had an extra 5 hours every week?

I would spend more time with my family. Ideally it would be doing something we haven’t done together yet. With all of us being so busy all of the time I like to try and carve out as much memorable quality time with the family as I can.

If you could go anywhere for an entire month, where would it be & what would you do (or why would you do it)?

Without a doubt I would go to Hawaii! I have never been there and it seems absolutely amazing. It is one of my bucket list items and I can’t wait for the day I can get out there to experience the culture and relax on the beach.

What are you most frequently heard listening to?

Most mornings I like to listen to the news to keep up to date on the weather and local announcements. Other than that, I listen to, rock, and hip hop the most for genres of music. Lately I have been listening to instrumental guitar ballads to wind down after work.

Favorite sports teams?

I don’t watch many sports very much anymore, but when I do its either football or hockey. My Favorite teams are the New England Patriots and Boston Bruins.