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Brendan Lucente


Abington, MA.

What are your technology specialties?

Mac hardware/software.

What professional events do you participate in, or what skills or accomplishments have you attained that sets you apart?

I have a book I designed and wrote that was accepted into the Special Collections Vault of the Teti Library.

What was your first memory of using computers?

Playing games I had to load in with floppy drives.

When you’re not found in front of a computer you are…?

Writing/playing music with my band!

What was the last great book you read?

1Q84 by Haruki Marakami.

What is something unique about you?

I am a classically trained pianist.

If you could go anywhere for an entire month, where would it be & what would you do?

I would love to live in the French countryside for a month to put my French speaking to the test!

What are you most frequently heard listening to?

FIDLAR, Knocked Loose and The Frights.